In an unexpected turn of events, the Kogi State Assembly has passed a resolution requesting the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) to remove former Governor Yahaya Bello’s name from its list of wanted individuals. This decision was made during Tuesday’s plenary session, following a presentation by Hon. Jibrin Abu, representing Ajaokuta State Constituency.
In his impassioned plea, titled “A Plea to Cease the Baseless, Frivolous, and Untrue Smear Campaign against Former Kogi State Governor, Alhaji Yahaya Bello,” Hon. Abu argued that the EFCC has been unfairly targeting the former governor. He emphasized that the allegations of missing funds, amounting to N80.4 billion, are unfounded and laughable, considering the state’s modest allocation.
The legislator urged innocent Nigerians and Kogi State citizens who have been misled by the EFCC’s claims to withdraw their support for the agency’s actions. The Assembly’s resolution is a significant development in the ongoing saga, as it highlights the need for fairness and due process in the investigation.
Stay tuned for further updates as this story continues to unfold. Will the EFCC heed the Assembly’s call, or will the investigation continue unabated Only time will tell.
Babatunde A.