On Thursday, the House of Representatives took action to confront the issue of marauding elephants invading farmlands in Ngala and Kala-Balge local government areas of Borno State. This response was prompted by Hon. Zainab Gimba (APC, Borno) who presented a motion of urgent national importance during the plenary session.
During her motion presentation, Gimba highlighted that these elephants originate from Waza National Park in neighboring Cameroon and annually traverse the region encompassing Ngala and Kala-Balge local government areas of Borno State. Their movements result in the destruction of crops and agricultural produce, adversely impacting the livelihoods of the local population.
Gimba expressed her concern that this agricultural devastation could lead to increased hardship, particularly as these areas are currently under military control. She also noted previous efforts made by the Conservator-General to obtain equipment aimed at deterring the elephants and reducing crop damage.
While commending the swift response of the Borno State Government, Gimba emphasized the necessity for the Federal Government to step in and assist. She called upon the Federal Government, in collaboration with the Ministry of Environment and the National Park, to work with the Borno State Government to provide logistical support and address the challenge posed by the marauding elephants.