In recent years, there have been growing concerns over the high level of corruption and abuse of power by ex-governors and officials in Nigeria. Many ex-governors and officials have been accused of embezzlement, fraud and other forms of corruption while in office, but because of the immunity they enjoy while in service, they are often shielded from prosecution.
One case that exemplifies this issue is the case of the former Governor of Kogi State, Alhaji Yahaya Bello, who was accused of massive corruption during his time in office. Many Nigerians are shocked that he is leveraging on the immunity of the current Governor rumoured to be his cousin to evade arrest, leaving him free to enjoy the proceeds of his corrupt activities.
To tackle this issue, the Nigerian parliament, the National Assembly, needs to enact stringent legislation that will ensure that ex-governors and officials who have enjoyed immunity while in service are held accountable for their actions. There are a number of measures that can be implemented to achieve this goal.
Firstly, the National Assembly could pass a law to establish a special anti-corruption court to try ex-governors and officials who have been accused of corruption while in office. This court would be tasked with ensuring that anyone who has been accused of corruption is tried thoroughly and impartially, regardless of their status.
Secondly, the National Assembly could pass a law requiring all governors to undergo an integrity test before assuming office. This test would be designed to weed out those who are likely to be corrupt or engage in other forms of misconduct while in office.
Thirdly, the National Assembly could pass a law requiring governors to forfeit any benefits or assets acquired through corrupt means while in office. This would serve as a deterrent to those who may be tempted to engage in corrupt activities.
Finally, the National Assembly could pass a law that should amend the legislation on assets declaration to mandate all governors to publicly declare their assets before and after taking office. This should be compulsory and a prerequisite for handing over as this would make it possible for Nigerians to monitor the financial activities of governors while in office and to hold them accountable for any unexplained wealth while out of office.
Alleged corrupt practices by former governors and government officials such as the case of Alhaji Yahaya Bello highlights the urgent need for stricter legislation to hold ex-governors and officials accountable for their actions. The Nigerian parliament should take bold steps to ensure that such individuals are not shielded from the law, as this is crucial to building a better Nigeria for all.
Babatunde Adesanya